мч lαuqнтεя & мч sмιlε мч lιfε sτчlε :D
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hello peeps =D Yeah im super bored now LoL !! Msning with Ginn darling now OhMyGosh long time din see her & all le, miss die them can =( This coming weekends going to meet them & i make sure take alot of pics with them & post in bloggy =) Eeeew hungry now =x stop here & find things to eat le, cyas peeps :D Tatas~ Reply Taqs :D
urfather: Thks leh, ppl loves my fat & ugliness bo bian :D urfather: Eu dare SHOW me ur PICS ? Omgoodness grow up pls kiddy !! JON: LoL Bi eu got so good mah? I wan all ur loves =) Jun: Hello Jun <333 Jun: Btw eu are which Jun uhs? Thks for the taq too :D Ginnqinn: Lmaos Darling <3 Ginnqinn: We arrange tis weekends outing ok, hehe miss eu all lots =D AHRED: LoL i give eu her num wan =x ![]() Labels: ' I Loves Them Lots * :D Boohoo just reach home & just now when green den saw sotong ask him pei me go eat roti prata & we chat while eating maybe tis coming saturday will go but *Maybe* only not cfm yet !! LoL den went home awhile ah qiang call me den went to meet him again ahahhas bo liaos rite =) Yea chg blog song *Fking loves tis song* <33 Shall post to here cos ntn to write lea :D Tatas~ Baby piqpiq, Love & Misses eu lots <3 Reply Tags :D ahXUAN: Hello xuan <3 AHRED: Ahahhas prank call her ltr she high how sia =.=" Ginnqinn: Darling <3 Ginnqinn: I miss eu :D Lacs uhs sotong: Hey sotong rmb to call me on saturday hor !! jansen: Yea I loves eu too BLOWJOB <3 Wooots !! I have nothing to write today =( Tatas~
Well im super duper uper bored can =( Actually wanna go bunk de but hor the sugery makes me weaker dun feel like gng out at all ... the medicine oso makes me feel so tired machaim like hw many weeks never slp @@" -Lost too much blood- now feeling damn dizzy luh T_T my mind now is totally blank *Blackout* D: BoyF is with me ltr maybe going mall to hav our dinner eeeew can da bao for me cos i really dun feel like going out =.=" any kind soul can da bao for me LoL thinks imma gng crazy ahhh !!!! Alright shall stop here & continue resting ~ Tatas~ Reply Tags :D AHRED: Lols~!!! But she din online leh nobody let me shoot & dats why i miss her =x ahXUAN: Waah sad lah i say eu cute den eu reply me say i CRAZY =( regina: Blackpool <3 KAYI (-MEI): Sis <3> Just now went to the dental to pluck off my wisdom tooth & hor is fking pain can T_T cos a bomb too !! Feeling very tired now shall go rest =( Nights peeps !!! Tatas~ Reply Tags :D regina: Blackpool my email is jess.chee@hotmail.com AHJER: hI JER <3 AHJER: Relinked le !! Take care :D Ginnqinn: LoL i took it frm ur hp eu ask me send eu ahhaah okok <3 ahXUAN: Hello ahxuan :D hehe cute lah eu <3 regina: Blackpool <3 regina: Link me up too ! Invite me to ur blog D: SZB: Hello Szb <3 AHBRA: RELINKED !! <3 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey peepos morning ! Wow today wake up quite early preparing to go to the dentist to pluck my wisdom tooth =( Hehe ytd nite went to meet ah qiang & slack with him until 12+am went home sleep so tired & stupid toothache is killing me zzz T_T we chat quite alot of old times thingys & pls cos i knw him more then 10yrs =) LoL *Lobatting*.... Shall post to here getting rdy to dental =( Tatas~ ![]() Me & DelirousMe :D loves <3 ![]() Finally got Me & Darling *Ginn* picture <333 ![]() Its me & 1st-Rachel =D ![]() Omgosh ! Tianny with a cramp face =x LoL Woots was with bf the whole day !! But but but just now went to meet ahqiang hehehe >.<" Ops LoL slack with him awhile den went back to qreen, si qiang called me again n wanna meet me at point den cab dwn to point to meet him guess wad i actually at point lost way =( den we chat on fone he ask me dunno to cross the road or not walao i stand at the traffic light there machaim retarded can zzz !! Omgosh again slack with him robatting *He understand can le* =x Yawns kinda slpy & tmd so many things happen well i treat eu as friend so i dun wanna gone too far eu shud knw who eu are ! Hope eu will zi dong =.=" waa tmd later i nids to go pluck my wisdom tooth not cheap ok but bo bian damn pain luh T_T okok shall stop here bf nagging like my grandma =x loves euu lah gng home soon to slp tired die ~!!!! Tml afternoon 1pm will be going to the dentist to pluck my *Wisdom Tooth* Omtian =( pain die me can tmd lcb @@" LoL currently playing auditionsea with my cpl dHzOdHzO Piqpiq <333 !! Aiyo the pain terrible + horrible = Miserable pain T_T ahhh ... Tatas~ Reply Tags :D -JESS: Mei <3 Buibui: LoL kk linked too :D <33 AHRED: Lmaos so *Evil* can =( LoL Mushroom Yucksss Siminnnn-n , (L): LoL i loves her can dun jealous hor =) <3 regina: Hey Blackpoool Imy manzxzx <3 --ahXUAN: Lol hello ahxuan <3 ~SPONGEBOB~: Haha so bad luh use my tagbox talk with BUIBUI ! Humph =) Nvm de lah !! Eu happy can le :D szb~: Woah hi szb <3> AHRED: MAPLE BIG ORANGE MUSHROOM?? LOL BANNED MUSHROOM FOODS PLS =X passer: Hello passer =) Tqs !! BuiBui: Didi linked & Tagged le <3> passerby: Thks passerby =) Aiyo i fking no mood nope is jitao moodless T_T Dunno wad to write =( 很烦很烦,烦死人 can tmd lcb !!! Ytd went vist dentist but fking fk up MUST book appointment sia walan eh the pain is killing me =( Ytd went qreen & saw him but he can treat it as if ntn happen to us zzz...Hais, sigh shall i give up or just continue to give to him *Hesitating Decision* -Dies- Shall post to here dunno wad to say le *Complicated Feeling* !! Tatas~ Why eu treat me so good, when i started to give up! Im afraid everything in the end ends up the same *HeartBreaks* Reply Tags :D <3byaani: No comments !-: Tqs i knw im ugly too ! HBF~Pinkyx3: Pinkyyy <3 HBF~Pinkyx3: LoL got meh i forgets le leh =) He scold eu uhs? pb: Hey dun mind ask eu girl or boy? AHRED: Eeeks LoL Mushroom world omg like Maple siol =) MAINE: Airpork <3 MAINE: *Faints~ AHBRA: ahbra <3 AHBRA: Eu chg URL uhs? Relink ! Zzz still having a terrible toothache =( Audi LoL lame so many small kids sia just nw login nia see ppl in f1 lobby kpkb-ing LOL wtf can zzz...Woah now hor dat michiyo bo in f1 find cpl liao she jitao hop to SINGAPORE 1 cheat xiaodidi feeling uhs cos f1 she too pop liao =) sg1 nobody knws her ahahas eeeeeeks er xin can @@" Yawns~So tired ytd midnight was smsing with dear until tis morning 8+am i fell asleep hehe ps uhs & he went voluntary work le !! He say michiyo dat lao auntie so old le still so childish LoL horhor ltr she clamp clamp u under her armpits den eu knw LoL =( Ohh sorry baby piqpiq ytd my internet suddenly breaks down so cant online D: Miss eu alot too :D Walao my lappy bluetooth spoil man makes me cant upload any pictures tmd @@!#@# Fine i go back sleep le~ Tatas~ Is there any true love outside? Yeah cos im being loves deeply by him :D Reply Tags :D dHzO: Piqpiq sorry =( Really pissed off lor with dat 2 Barbi zz -Rachel: Sista <3 -Rachel: okok cyaz soon ! Miss eu =D dEadChaiN: Hi Horny Son <3> Haeyo; LoL Hi dear <3 Haeyo: I miss eu too ~ MAINE: Haha Airpork <3 MAIN: Den eu & Chuan faster jyjy manzxzx !! Ginnqinn: Clamp Cramp 3sec cfm knock out =( No is jitao die sia Omh ... Jansen: Hey hi jansen =) <3 Kenneth: LoL kor <3 Kenneth: Lucky is chicken curry not mushroom soup !! Tmd Lcb at night in audi quarrel with dat fuck up er xin da bian -M-INN- & fucking lan jiao bin -JIAMIN _l_ Ops they too chio lah bo bian Woah -M-INN- got rl bf again LoL sicalli is the same 32yrs old lao uncle i mean the 34 Airport SKT de o.o Lcb say me & my mei * Baby~x3* cheat her money POR her _l_ por lan lah & eu got $$ gives us cheat meh tmd lcb zzz...aiya everyone knws eu scam xiaodidis $$ tis eu dunnit to peng wei say NO cos i got evidence & witness somemore ask xiaodidi for SEX omtian =( and dat JIAMIN Lols lah mega say ask me go Aljunied Mac de toilet to see got ppl write *DA SI JOLENE* gosh lah sg only me name Jolene *Clap clap* arbo eu come hougang green 2nd floor de toilet see AUDITIONSEA -M-INN- & -JIAMIN ER XIN DA BIAN NVER BATHE DE LAO AUNTIES WANNA CHEAT XIAODIDIS MONEY !! KILL THEM BOTH & STOP POLLUTING THE AIR WITH UR SMELLY FAT ASS AURA !!! Zzz so lame can. Ask her who cheat her money den she say is DD_Medmed not us rite Lcb so wash ur mouth clean before eu wanna find trouble with us SJB _l_ Fk damn fking pissed off manzxzx ohh & ur fking msg title is damn fking disgusting too *Tonite I'll Be Urs* Pui lah dat boy must be eu use $$ cheat come de lah dey LOL ... eeee dunno wad to write about eu 2 liao find it damn disgusting n wanna PUKES man _l_ Tatas~ Still in pain T_T *Cries =( Tell eu my hse comp internet really sucky can so lag & keeps dc _l_ FTW larh...Omgosh i kips thinking of him can someone help me brainwash clean clean !!! Alrite ytd was in audi playing with ace, ahwu & my erzi *dEadChain* haha tis 3 Perverts like chain free man tmd lcb =) after dat midnight was playing with valentinos den went msn chat to tis morning ard 8+am pei mummy go market & home to slp until now =.=" im super duper uper tired & si bei shag lor @@" tis few days was camping at home duno where to go too !! Eeew ytd someone pm me & told me a SHOCKING THING -HE SAY M-INN- GOT BABY IN RL I MEAN PREGNANT NOW- OMFG dunno which boy so heng tio Mushroom Baby =x goddamnit im so bad =0 but nt i say de is ppl told me de LoL !! Woah congrats uhs Michiyo..I jitao Luff out my shyt bodoh =XX Whahahs !! i go in audi see le ~ Waa fuck i keeps dc sia today internet connection so good lor tmd lcb zzz !!! Tatas~ Baby piqqy piq, I miss eu so much =( Faster go dl ur audi, i haven try the cpl mode yet, was waiting for eu :D Piqpiq, Thks but i dun dare go see dentist =x Im afraid of pains=( Hehehe Loves & Misses my piqqy piq <33 Reply Tags :D dHzO: Baby Misses eu lots =( Limit: LoL lovelove where got force eu sia =) Anw tqs for the tag <3 CINDY: ok link me up too <3
Walan eh toothache is killing me lcb manzxzx T_T I kips sleep today sia dunno wad happen thinks im gng to fall sick =( still very tired now bodoh !! Gosh nothing much things happen tis few days so have nothing to writes =) Tatas~ Reply Tags :D -JESSIE: Hehe thks :D Link me up :D En: Thks darlingg <33 Weixin: Dear i miss eu badly too <3 Waa tmd lcb im having a very bad toothache lah bodoh !! Sianzxzx lor pain until cant sleep nabeeis eat *Panadol extra* oso no kik nb realli must eat *Panaballs* =( Was msning with darling Ginn LoL her right eye swollen due to ton too much owhh must take care uhs :) Tis morning bring sebest to sch later he got tuition until 6pm den nids to fetch him frm sch too !! Kinda bored now so come blogging n realise ytd din post LoL..Maybe going mia frm blogging awhile really no mood to do anything now *BAD MOOD* T_T Some ppl just thinks too much & if eu think wadever things eu do is right den right lor cos oso non of my fking business understand :) Eeew dunno wad to write le !! Tatas~ Oie tmd lcb, I dun owe eu anything hor So dun use fk up attitude on me _l_ Reply Tags :D MAINE: I LOVE EU TOO, AIRPIG <3 dHzO: Owhh wad happen ? Redownload ! ---DayKids: Sucker <33 ---DayKids: Some bo liao ppl lor sianzxz bodoh :D LoL Weixiang: Pinkyyyyyyyy <3 Lynn: LoL Laling i told eu le mah =) Horhor din take note =( Loves larling <33 Kenneth: Haiz anw thks kor <33 Lting: Ok :D I dunno wad to write !! I'm very very angry & pissed off today tmd !! Hate eu hate eu hate eu hate eu =( Tatas~ Ytd went clubbing with qing & some of our frds WTF only we 2 girls n all guys =) Mac de frd b'day & we went clark quay *Rebel* Gosh its so pack n they open dua pao n chivas tmd i drink until so drunk can =( maybe bad mood & sad bah T.T waa i having headache now diaos ... Woots so many ppl gng pc bunk today siol sot de early in the morning so many ppl call n sms ask me i gng anot LoL nope wont be gng *No Mood* sorry D: He call me just now & ask why i go club with so many guys cos ytd i saw his frds at clark quay but pls lor we alrdy break le & i go out with who oso none of ur fking business rite so pls S T F U @@" Tmd dun force me ask Michiyo to clamp eu under her armpits *Clamp Clamp* eeee !!! Aiyo now raining so heavy oso lazy to go out manzxz !! Shall post to here :D Tatas~ I admit i still loves eu, but no point struggling tis love ! Its fading away, So just let it go D: Reply Tags :D Qu3eN: Thanks queenie <3 Qu3en: Jiejie got bf dun wan us le =( Kenneth: Kor i still feeling sad lor btw thks for calling me last nite =) Faster arrange a day we all go lim jiu tgt ok <3 Ginnqinn: Darling i loves eu too !! No guys we oso can survive de luh Ahahas :D Jiaxuanxzx: Ok ltr i relink eu <3 Everything seems so fast to drift apart *Fading Away* & hope eu find ur true love =.=" im really shag & tired le !! How i wish i can just sleep n gone forever T_T & Darling relax lah no point getting angry over xiaodidi man he just wan step big nia kns de lor .. Haiz suddenly so many things happen n i dun wanna bring it up again darling eu should knw who i am saying :( I'll stay strong cos of my precious sebestian !! Feeling so moody now can @@" Hope everything will be alright soon =) I dunno wad ima going to do !! Im so fking sad *Cries* T__T Maybe w/o eu my life will be happier & i already tolerant everything eu have done such a small matter eu wanna make it so big & somemore its just my frds dat i have know them since i was young eu should knw too, well if eu think i treat them better den eu den i really bo wei gong & eu dun really knw me well after so long we have been together =( So break up is the last choice i can do,, feeling so tired !! I wont do anything foolish cos of eu & eu dunnit ask ppl to take care of me too cos i can take care of myself & i have my budbud frds too !!! I swear i wont shed a tear for eu cos its not worth it arhhhh ...... Tatas~ Piqqy PigPig, Miss eu alots =( Reply Tags :D Vintage: Loves <3 Hiromi: o.o? Lols --RAPEYOUx3: Sucker <333 Free meet up soon uhs sucker :D Kyro: AhSoh <33 Of cos rmb lah !! :D Ginnqinn: Orhmihin Lah darling ~ CLAMP CRAMP jitao go COFFIN.... Hey peepos !! Kaoz today is so bored can :( im at serangoon garden de lan with yuntian, weikang & some of our frds .... i feel so sleepy & i alrdy sleep the whole day today @@" ntn to do so follow them to lan n play l4d audition. Wee i dunno wad to write le totally blank sia =.=" Tatas~ 我可以忍受你不够爱我 我可以忍受你有别的梦 就算是编谎话哄我 至少你还在乎我的感受 我可以忍受眼神的空洞 我可以忍受你时间不够用 却不能忍受作了那么多 是她拥有我该得到的温柔 爱着你是我改不了也不愿改的习惯 要放开哪有那么简单 了解你 是我说不出也不承认的悲哀 包容你 是我体谅的爱别当作应该 我可以忍受你不够爱我 我可以忍受你有别的梦 就算是编谎话哄我 至少你还在乎我的感受 我可以忍受眼神的空洞 我可以忍受你时间不够用 却不能忍受作了那么多 是她拥有我该得到的温柔 爱着你是我改不了也不愿改的习惯 要放开哪有那么简单 了解你是我说不出也不承认的悲哀 包容你 是我体谅的爱别当作应该 我可以忍受你不够爱我 我可以忍受你有别的梦 就算是编谎话哄我 至少你还在乎我的感受 我可以忍受眼神的空洞 我可以忍受你时间不够用 却不能忍受作了那么多 是她拥有我该得到的温柔 no.no.no 不要说对不起 原来你要的不是我 不要说谢谢你 什么你永远在我心中 can u tell me why 这样的我你也曾爱过 不是吗 我可以忍受你不够爱我 我可以忍受你有别的梦 就算是编谎话哄我 至少你还在乎我的感受 我可以忍受眼神的空洞 我可以忍受你时间不够用 却不能忍受作了那么多 是她拥有我该得到的温柔 是她拥有我没看过的笑容 Boohoo !! Yeah finally lvl 46 King le in auditionsea :D Went AMK to meet Ginn Darling, Deli & Deli bf =) we went to the lan to play awhile den chit chat =.=" Clamp Cramp D: Omg ahahas online audi awhile den we play cpl dance walan eh i kip luffing can cos got a boy ign HeiChi his hair looks like mushroom whahah i jitao ask his hair isit kana clamp before =x ginn all LOLOL =D Sorry but really looks alike can !! Owhh after awhile deli & her bf went home left me n ginn.. Omg so pathetic =( actually we wanna go raiders de but so sian again lanshop zz LoL yea we went to K BOX to sing ... But only me n darling kinda cheap ard $13.60 per pax so we sing until 2am den slack awhile darling went home & i went to green find my frds =) Alrite shall post to here ... Darling ima gng Post the lyrics oso tmdeee LOL <3 Tatas~ Baby piqpiq, Loves & Misses eu loads <3 Muacks !!! Reply Tags :D korszeer: kk later i go link :D Vintage: :D tqs SZB ilu <3 i'll be strong !!!! KAYI: Sis im fine too (= owhh so i cyaz on weekends uh <3 AHJAS: Ahahahs isit but eu din come n call me =( idk which 1 is eu T_T Ginnqinn: LoLs darling <3 We cfm lose de cos we dun have either 1 =x waa *Faints WeiXiang: Pinkyyy the Noobest of the Noob :D Whahhah Boohoo !! Im just so cute went to Plaza singapura to meet yaoyao & mao after dat they pei me go eat KFC den we went home =) Cute rite =x Gosh mao nt feeling well actually we plan to watch movie de budden seriously mao really not feeling well so send him go home but i drop 1st...ytd having love party *AhMa Ring* =.=" din invite anybody just solo me n piqpiq =) Sorry uhs !! Shall post to here *Headache* T__T Tatas~ Reply Tags :D WeiXiang: Pinkyyyyyyy <3Eu more noob lor *Noobest Of the Noob* Ginnqinn: Faints~ LoL darling side bet can? waa they 2 hen pei 1 cramp face 1 clamp armpits omg !! Vintage: T_T nice song lor suitable for my mood now *Hais.. Thks for tag !! <3 -dTECH: Of cos lah *Original Cheerful Gentle Jolene* leh !! Hiromi: Ahahas so bad leh put oil, her body is full of oils can @@" think drink liao jitao inside coffin luh zz.. KAYI: Hey sis how are eu? Sure ltr i linked eu back nw kinda lazy :) Yawns...just wake up frm my slp omg the time nw is 4.49pm =) Ytd Pundek yaoyao came to fetch me den we went to fetch Botak, Mao, Boy & Ginn & we went to bunk cos baby mei & rachel got daiji but hor when we reach they alrdy 1 to 1 settle liao zz ohmytian !! Nvm i saw alot of new faces & medmed in bunk ohh & we chat awhile den mao, boy & botak pei pundek home to park her car & they went to geylang lor 23 de lanshop..me n ginn stay at bunk chatting with some of our frds while waiting for deli bf to come n fetch us with tianny n jeffrey we went to taka to meet 1st-rachel =) Haha we went cine to eat while waiting for omgf vicious, silver & ah hua to reach .. We went to watch movie *PUSH*.. but before we decided to watch wad movie omg all wanna watch different show LoL -Faints- !!! Waa darling n me so bo liao kips say about *Clamp Clamp & Cramp Cramp* Zomgwtfbbqzxzx .. Clamp armpit vs Cramp face LoL Gosh !! After the show we slack outside cine until 6am tmd realli zhun 6am jitao no cab can heng ah hua n silver gt a cb den ends up me, tianny, ginn & vicious go take MRT.. me n tianny drop at amk station n i long bang him cab home cos we stay nearby .. alrite shall post to here !! Tatas~ Baby piqpiq -dHzO-, im so sorry din online tis few days, dun angry uhs :D Uoyevoli Baby piqqy piq <3 Replay Tags :D Ginnqinn: Darling <3 Eeyer now got 1 more *Cramp cramp* wtf LoL eu shud knw whose dat =) Oh Gosh Zips =X mangoCSP: LoL ya lah nt scare ppl angry de zz !! Weixiang: Kns pinkyyyyyy !! Eu den Noobshyt bodoh =) Hiromi: Omg Birdnest virus eew now gt new de *Mushroom armpits* LoL fresh wan too too long din bathe grows mushroom le !! er xin can :( ahaha thks nt emoing le =) Kenneth: orh hor kor hacker !! *Clamp Clamp* :D dHzO: Har wad thing wat? why? *Blurs Kor baddie ask me use hack zz LoL...Ok waa my boss them bad can never tell me dat he wans me work nightshift den ask ahmei come work afternoon shift hai wo rush dwn to work n im damn fking so tired can T_T ytd accompany pundek fetch mao & Boy go back woodland when reaching pundek say wanna ask Bestie *Yihao* come out n we went to 888 kopitiam eat.. Fk can stupid bestie took him so long to come dwn frm his hse LoL =) at there slack until 5+am den went home !! Wad we chat abt i dun wish to say but Pundek *Cheer up* still got us with eu =D My piqpiq sms me & ask y i nver online & he misses me lots ;p hahah i miss eu alot too piqpiq <3 wa seh i kips yawning leh @@" Yeah ltr pundek they all come find me *Happy* :D Fk those blog spammers so bo liao think they spam liao their MAMA WILL HIGH ? Humph !! LoL maybe w0r Sjb bodoh !!!!!!! Ahaha waa stress baby piqpiq say tonite wan Lp =) hehe walao kor i read ur blog le eu really damn suay lor KANA BITE BY CAT =.=" LoL maybe eu forget to drink ur ai xin mushroom soup *Greasy Mushroom Soup* Omg =x Haha darling tell eu a secret nb if our face kana clamp under michiyo armpits confirm CUI can nabeeeis =( disfigure machaim kana splash by acid water T.T Goddamnit our face so ke ai luh =D Walan eh wonder how her boyfrd can tahan her Wonderful Smell of Aura, Greasy hair, Bulldog face, Big nose & blah blah blah @@" LoL maybe who so bo liao go SPAM my blog Whahaha sicalli is michiyo fans omg ps uhs ur idol really omg =x Kor eu gt try before her clamping skills le mah must let me knw the ba wu leh =) Ahahah spam more luh... Tatas~today so busy at work can *Not enough Sleep oso* today die die oso must go home early & have my beauty sleep* =D Baby piqpiq. Sorry im so tired so din online tonite =( Tomorrow Lp <3
Wakaoz i slept late leh today tmd i set 3 alarms 12pm den 1pm den wake up omg =.=" cos today i needs to open door at 2.30pm faster wake up go bathe den rush dwn to green ahahas .... Wooots i clean the tables & comps le eu knw its super dusty ehh =( keeps ah chooo n hor the aircon jitao Omg brk dwn isit maybe carrie or michiyo is coming ?? Whahah hmm my jiemei *Zhengyong* they all come find me play L4D for 1hr den go eat after dat come back again play dota ... Wees Billy, Linlin & sotong come find me oso but they went to eat le coming back later =) Waa lan eh tis morning hor i mean midnight was playing with my cpl *dHzO piqpiq* & kor *Kenneth* :D Omg leh kips saying abt michiyo horhor kor later she read dao my blog wanna meet eu out & CLAMP eu under her ARMPITS -Clamp clamp- so bad lor waa faint greasy mushroom for b'fast nice eh =) so sweet of michiyo LoL everyday got mushroom eat dunnit scare die can lol =.=" eeew im so bad but i learn from my kor kenneth de cos he more evil den me lor =x LoL ... Ehh busy le cyaz peeps soon !!! Yawns~Tired sia @@" Tatas~ Loves My piqqy piq lots <3 Our promises ~!!! Reply Tags :D 'Cas-: sista LoL whaha ya lah somemore shout until si bei song end up he at home =.=" -WAHLAN: Invite me to ur blog pls =( LoL Ahjer: Janice :D Link & tagg le <3 -XR-ZHUx3: Sweetie zhuuu <33> Kenneth: Walan eh kor eu more evil leh =( Clamp eu under her mushroom armpits =x LoL Whahaha ytd my kor *Kenneth* tag me in my blog den hor he call me say he jus laugh finish after viewing my blog tmd *Kor eu more evil lor* LAUGH somemore ahahaha zzz .. Hmm ytd nite suddenly sms with babeh until 5+am den bth go slp :) tis morning cass kips bomb my hp but so sorry too tired so late afternoon den wake up ard 12+pm cos baby mei *Cynthia* called me n complain abt my FAM member -Rachel kik her out of room Wtf zz LoL i call rachel n ask her she told me is becos she wanna close room le so kick den mei say is b4 rachel kik she at there kpkb OMT den they all 1 put bunk on sat n 1 put 2pm =.=" Yawns~ Cass call me cos she at green le with her mei but i realli very tired sorry sister so i reach green ard 3+pm den ben at home still haven reach all bo bian so hav to wait until ard 5pm n ben reach n open the door ehh hello ben did eu see ur hp gt hw many my miss call mah?? Ok i just start work so do some posting !! Tatas~ Replay Tags :D kenneth: Whahaha kor so evil laugh at her =( Still say i evil somemore still come back peeks @@" Omg think eu hav fallen for her <3> Yaoyao: LoL Pundek nice hor <33 Hiromi: Whahaha so bad wan clamp me under ur armpit =( Emo-ed T_T Silver.C: Hehe loves <3 So tired lor tis morning 6am den reach home LoL my frds long bang me home heng save cabfare =) Ytd my wedding with my Baby piqpiq & tag exp finally lvl 45 le zz 1 more lvl to king waa *Faint* =.=" Ytd saw -M-INN- online Omg she finding cpl diaos but i din go in her room just pm her n ask her why she say i ask ppl di siao .. She jitao say she din even say my name or wad tmd funny rite *If u're a thief will eu tell ppl u're a thief?* Lame bodoh .. eeeeeks nabeeis er xin da bian =( Ehh show ur real pics n say ur real age dun kip show ppl ur fake pics so fkng erxin can.. im so tired & headache sia i go rest awhile le.... Tatas~ Baby Piqpiq :D Our Last Romance <3 Everlasting Forever.. Reply Tags :D Billcore: LoLs Whahah smexy can *Pump styles & Cue Dancing* Omg =) eu dun jealous hor =x must ask michiyo come n grind with her tgt waa cfm green pop sia :D allen: Ahahas den come my blog more often if can make eu happy =x LoL <3 En: Darlingg i loves eu too <3 Muackies ~ free meet up uhs !!
![]() Pundek & Me @ Green Bbox <3 Steam face ahahas Me, Pundek & Darling <3 ![]() We bought the same Lg phone on the same day w/o us knwing LoL so qiao <3 Pundek ![]() Rinn wifey, Ginn darling & Me <3 Complicated loves :D ![]() Its baby <3 Like tis pic cos can see his dbl eyelid but on 1 eye nia *Kns :D Whahaha carrie omg she dance again just now cb baby lah say nver see her dance live before den kips forcing her to dance live show LOL =) Faint~So bad if im carrie i everyday at home liam geng *Orhmitohoot* nb she everytime come hg green tio di siao de leh sometimes i find her so ke lian =( Ohh & ya dat lj -M-INN- fk de lor who so bo liao wan ask ppl to disturb her waa she cpl sleepydollie den he 1 day bo online nia she go brk cpl n call him ask isit i ask him di siao her de TMD pls lor 30yrs old liao still wan scam xiao didi =.=" eeeks er xin da bian nabeeeis eeyer dun say liao ltr she saw my blog wan meet me n clamp me under her armpits T.T realli -Amen-... somemore still ask sleepydollie isit i ask him di siao her de cos she say i ask ppl to di siao n brk her makes her hurt Oie Hurt ur mother cb lah er xin da bian -M-INN- _l_ everytime is eu break ppl de lor eu mai step one emo lah hor dunno hw many ppl told me alrdy ur hobbies is scamming xdd n break cpl ehh walan eh zz .... !!!! Is i dun wan find eu nia if i find eu eu think i will let eu off easily nabeeis but seriously we all scare of ur SMELLY AURA, BULLDOG FACE, BIG NOSE, GREASY HAIR & UR FKING SMELLY ARMPITS @@" *Clamp Clamp Clamp*.. Zomgwtfbbqzxzx !!! yawns i si bei tired le hmm gng home soon & just playing finish audi with my baby piqpiq dHzO <3 Mao, Yao, Yumi & Boy came my lan just now but all seems so tired can really *Lack Of Sleep* @@" Baby just now came to find me oso ard 5am bah i think cos he go boat quay just nw alex birthday !! Den i ask him go home he at there kp say nex time dun come find me le WTF he sick can =( Aiyo i mai care so much liao dunno wad to write oso lea !! Tatas peeps ~ Reply Tags :D LongLong: LoLs cant lah ltr eu see liao high bodoh =) hello !! PENNY: Ahahas so bad leh post at youtube =( ltr youtube show all cant see sia tio virus omg !! Alakia: <33 Alakia =) Thks for the tag uhs !! take care :D |